In the run-up to the Centenary of the start of WW1, I thought you might be interested in the attached information. My interest is that I was born in The Bakery in Ashford Carbonell, where my grandfather and father were the bakers up till 1949, and also that amongst father’s photos is one of him and his father, together with the young men who were proposing to sign up in 1914. I don’t know the exact date it was taken, but my father told me it was taken in the churchyard one Sunday after Morning Service, probably in October or November, 1914, though it would appear from the hedge in the background that it was taken when all the leaves had fallen. My father, Gilbert Shingler, then aged 5, is standing in the middle in front of his father, Alfred Shingler, Churchwarden, then aged 45. I have no idea who the rest of the young men were, or the man and boy on the left. It might be worth going through the 1911 census of the village to see lads of an appropriate age, or it might be that some of the family members still in the village may be able to identify; or there could well be other copies of this photo or similar still around, as it was obviously a set-up shot.
Many Thanks to Brian Shingler who emailed the village with this fascinating insight into Ashford Carbonell